You Know You Like SPC Bad Guys Too Much When:

10.You try to call fourth a ninja crow army to fight your little brother when he gets annoying

 9.In English Class Your Essay topic was "why Big Cheese should have taken Leonardo Decaprio's place in titanic because he is more pretty"

 8.You keep calling your friend Jerry

 7.You look for a Big Cheese Doll kit at Toys R' Us

 6.You Explode When You Get Really Mad

 5.In Chorus Class,you and your friends dress up as the Rude Noize and sing Hard Rock music

 4.You think you are pretty when you are a guy and wear a dress

3.You get rats and foxes confused

2.You think your school bully is Cannonball Batley

1.You visit this site and get addicted to it!

If you have a funny top ten reasons for YKYLSPCBGTMW,E-Mail Me with the E-Mail Subject "YKYLSPCBGTMW"